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House Fashion News - House Fashion Week
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House Fashion News

House Fashion Week / House Fashion News

JANABY Brings a Carribean Flare to Boston

Malva Janaby, one third of the sibling trio that makes up the brand JANABY, juxtaposes bright colors from his Caribbean roots with East Coast street-style.  He showcased a joint collection with pieces from the lines “SAIL VII” and “K-MAMBO” at an exhibition produced by House Fashion Week on Oct. 15.  Janaby shared some insight on what preceded this melting pot of a lineup, the following is an abbreviated transcript of that conversation.  Q: What did the early stages...

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A Fashion Lovers Story

House Fashion Week is THE house,  exerting elegance at every corner. Acting  as the bridge between the fashion fanatic  and the fashion world, House Fashion Week  is the door for all fashion creators to have  stepped into the up-incoming Boston fashion  events. A rival to fashion cities, House  Fashion Week, through its projects, events,  and shows, will be the liaison between the  fashion scene building in Boston. The HFW team has been working diligently ...

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